
10.12.23 - 10.12.23


4:30 pm - 7:00 pm


Etihad Museum

As part of COP 28, join us for an evening of performances that celebrate and bring awareness to the significant value found in the deep and intrinsic bond between humanity and the ocean. We will begin with a poetry performance by oral historian and poet Rasha Al-Duwaisan, reciting a body of work inspired by traditional seafaring songs from along the Arabian Peninsula. This is followed by a sustainable theatre performance developed by The Theatre of Others, where past and future collide into a present moment of shared mourning and collective healing for our planet.


The performance is inspired by We Are The Possible:12 Poems for 12 Days of COP28 between the UK and the UAE, a collaborative project between the University of Exeter Green Futures and The Theatre of Others, funded by the British Embassy Gulf Strategy Fund for COP28. We close the evening with an interactive children’s poetry installation, inspired by We Are the Ocean bilingual children’s anthology co-created between the University of Exeter Green Futures and the Emirates Literature Foundation, and refreshments in the Etihad Museum’s garden.

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