27.4.24 - 27.4.24
5:00 pm
Etihad Museum
This is a small, dialogue-based, roundtable, “show-and-tell” style programme in the Etihad Museum library. The programme aims to explore the process of constructing archives and to perceive museums not just as preservers of the past, but as shapers of the contemporary narrative. Can we discern today which objects and media of our time will hold future museum-worthy value?
In collaboration with Lest We Forget, the programme invites participants to bring one or many items that remind them of someone– be it a cherished memory or a difficult one, whether mundane as a paperclip or adored as a letter, or even intangible like a song or text message.
They will then reflect on possessions of present significance, fostering a consideration of their potential value in the future, irrespective of conventional definitions of preciousness.